Saturday, May 27, 2006

L Event: Rachel asks Meredith


Just to set the scene, this was on the Sunday and Meredith was doing a solo Q & A. Anyone who wanted to ask a question queued up on either side, then took their turn at the microphone. About 25 minutes in to the Q & A, I heard a lot of murmuring in the audience on the left hand side. I was on the right and couldn't see what was going on. It wasn't until Rachel started speaking that I realised it was her.

Meredith looks over to her right to see someone she knows standing at the microphone ready to ask a question.

Rachel: Hi.

The audience laughs as they recognise Rachel's voice and see her standing at the microphone. Meredith clears her throat then throws her head back and smiles.

Meredith: Hi.

Rachel: Hi, umm I'd like to ask a question. Umm, I'm an actress as well (audience laughs) and... but I think it's really interesting, and I wondered how... I mean, how do you cope with playing a character who's just... not that popular? (audience laughs) D'you know what I mean?

Meredith throws her head back and laughs. The audience applaud Rachel.

Rachel: I'm really curious. I just wondered what it was like.

Meredith: Well, the first thing that I did was make friends with all the other people that play villainesses. (audience laugh and applaud)

Rachel miaows (who knew she could do an impression of Mr P?) Meredith and the audience laugh.

Meredith: Umm yeah. Actually it hurts your feelings when people don't li... I've had people, I've gone to parties and people don't like me, and I think I'm so nice. (audience laughs) I never understand. I think I'm... like I really I'm not a lot of things, I'm not but... I think I'm nice. And so it's amazing when they... when you walk in and they'll... Jennifer often introduces me at parties and she'll say "And do you recognise Meredith?" or whatever she brings me to some kind of event and err, people in Hollywood like people who know better are like (Meredith adopts a sour face) "Yes I do". (audience laughs) And I got this really great piece of advice from this fantastic actress who's actually on the show. She plays Helena. (audience laughs and so does Rachel - and she has a fabulous laugh let me tell you). And she suggested when that happ..., cos I was complaining about it last night. I said I'm so happy, cos I was so scared to meet you all because I thought for sure you'd all... have guns and stuff. (Rachel, Meredith and the audience laugh) I was really scared. Umm, and you're so fantastically lovely and thank you so much for that. Umm, but this actress, err gave me this great piece of advice. When those people, especially in Hollywood, say (Meredith pulls a disinterested face) "Yes, hi I recognise you." I'm gonna say to them "D'you have a cat?" (Rachel and audience laugh, audience applauds) Cos if you're not nice to me, I'll do the same to you and err, I think that would work right? Yeah, I'll tell her cos she's pretty smart that girl that gave me that suggestion.

Rachel: Thank you very much. (audience applauds)


I'm guessing that Meredith knew in advance that Rachel was going to ask that question. In case you didn't know already, Rachel has a fantastic sense of humour and a super laugh. There was only one camera and it was pointing at Meredith, so I can't do any caps of Rachel but she was wearing the same clothes as during her Q & A later on that day.

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