Sunday, May 14, 2006

Dialogue: s3e05-05


Helena is walking along a street that normally she wouldn't be seen driving down, let alone walking down. Yes, she's a woman on a mission!

[Note: You can just make out Helena's car in the background. Thanks to Dont.Look.Back8
for pointing that out in the Dylena thread @ MediaBlvd]

Helena hears voices behind her and turns to see who is talking, before stopping at a door and ringing the bell.

Dylan opens the window above and leans out.

Dylan: Hey, I'm gonna throw down the keys. Can you let yourself in?

Helena resists the temptation to say 'No, you lazy sod. Come down and let me in'.


Dylan throws down the keys.

Helena gives Dylan a big smile as she catches the keys.

Helena approaches the door with Dylan's keys in hand.

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