Sunday, May 14, 2006

Dialogue: s3e05-06


Dylan sits at her editing desk showing Helena her documentary footage.

Dylan: The police came while they were beating her with a baseball bat. It's part of an initiation ritual.

Dylan sighs and looks at Helena who is visibly shocked by what she's just seen on the monitor.

Dylan: Is this too violent?

Helena: No... no. I... I'm alright.

Dylan turns her attention back to the monitor.

Dylan: Oh, they dance in this nightclub.

Helena moves forward on her chair (it's on wheels) to get a closer view of Dylan, err I mean the footage on the monitor.

Dylan: I mean, just going in there is like taking your life in your hands. But this night they sort of half-heartedly tried to get me to leave, because Aisha knew Mistress Q was coming with a gun.

A gunshot is heard and Helena jumps at the noise.

Helena: How were you able to get close enough to film this?

Dylan: I lived with them for two and a half years. You know... I ate with their families, I slept on their floors.

Dylan: I was with Sumatra the night she died, when she was eight and a half months pregnant.

Helena looks at Dylan who sighs and closes her eyes at the memory of the shooting.

Helena: Are you alright?

Dylan opens her eyes and turns to look at Helena.

Dylan: Yeah.

Dylan smiles at Helena, her eyes keep darting from Helena's eyes to her mouth and back.

Dylan starts to say something but then leans forward to kiss Helena.

Dylan pulls away just as Helena goes in for a second kiss.

Dylan: I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Helena: Please... don't be sorry.

Dylan looks down and so does Helena whose fingers are hooked in Dylan's shirt, pulling Dylan towards her.

Dylan decides to take Helena's advice and moves in for another kiss.

Dylan gets up from her chair with a little help from Helena, still kissing Helena who rolls her chair backwards as Dylan straddles her.

Dylan unbuttons her shirt and places Helena's hand on her breast, then puts her own hand on top of Helena's.

Dylan and Helena continue kissing.

The noise of a door opening and closing is heard. It's Danny returning home, he calls out to Dylan.

Danny: Dyl, are you home?

Hearing Danny, a look of panic appears on Dylan's face and she quickly extricates herself from Helena's embrace.

Dylan: Err, yeah I'm editing.

Danny: I'm going to bed. There's a doggy bag from ?? in the kitchen.

Dylan hurriedly does up the buttons on her shirt.

Dylan: Okay, I'll be in in a bit. Goodnight.

Danny: Night

Hearing Danny's footsteps going towards the bedroom Dylan looks slightly relieved.

Dylan goes back to her editing desk. Helena, still in shock from the interruption by Danny, looks over at Dylan.

Dylan says nothing, she simply looks Helena up and down.

Dylan sits back down at her editing desk, looks at Helena then gives a big sigh.

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